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Wanting to pay less in interest on your mortgage and lower your monthly payments?

A mortgage refinance is the replacement of an existing mortgage with another mortgage under different terms.

Mortgage Refinance

Ready to pay less in interest on your mortgage and/or lower your monthly payments? 

A mortgage refinance is the replacement of an existing mortgage with another mortgage under different terms. Mortgage refinancing can lower your monthly payments, which can add up to significant savings whether it be to change the existing terms of your current loan(s) and/or to consolidate other non mortgage debt.

Reasons to consider a mortgage refinance:

  • Reduce your monthly mortgage payment:

    Mortgage rates are still very low. A refinance with Mottashed Lending Group may help you lower payment and possibly save you money.

  • Consolidate high interest debt:

    You could pay off those higher-interest debts by refinancing with a lower rate. Even with less-than-perfect credit, we can help you lower your monthly payment and pay off your higher-interest debt. By consolidating your payments into one low monthly payment, you can pay less each month, lower your debt, and improve your credit score.

  • Rehab/Update Home:

    If you are potentially looking to rehab/update your home to give it some new spark or add energy savings a rehab refinance loan may be right for you.

  • Change Loan Term:

    The shorter the term on your mortgage, the lower your mortgage rate. Did you know that you may be able to take advantage of today’s competitive rates by shortening the term of your loan (which means paying less interest) without a significant change in your monthly payment?

  • Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster:

    The shorter the term on your mortgage, the lower your mortgage rate. Did you know that you may be able to take advantage of today’s competitive rates by shortening the term of your loan (which means paying less interest) without a significant change in your monthly payment?

  • Reverse Mortgage Refinance:

    Last, should you be looking to lower or remove your monthly mortgage payments and potentially obtain a line of credit to help aid in your retirement years a reverse mortgage may be of interest to you. Or maybe you are looking to travel or buy a vacation home, reduce health care costs or update your home.

When to Refinance Your Mortgage?

We offer information on a variety of mortgage refinancing rates and options and knowing when is best is what we here at Mottashed Lending Group will take the time to listen and share the best recommendation for your personal scenario. Knowing your current refinance mortgage rates is important. Mottashed Lending Group can keep you informed and help decide when a refinance may be best. When you are ready to take the next step, we look forward to you contacting us. There are many ways in which you can do so, starting with completing an assessment below.

Next Steps?

If any of these might be considerations for you complete our “Get Started Today” Questionnaire  below and we’ll get in touch with you very soon. You can also call/text our team line at (916) 659-6886 to chat or schedule time to discuss.

Get started today!

Fill out the questionnaire on this page to start a discussion about your mortgage needs today!

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